Tony Jankowski


Tony Jankowski feels that besides studying andmastering techniques, one of the artist's first requirements is to see and discover beauty in ordinary things. He feels that art is a result of sensaton and emotions, as well as an understanding of the fundamentals of nature, the spirit of life, and the secret of growth and the constructive force. He respects the relative importance of order and balance. He says that complexity of feeling for value, harmony, symmetry and order is a sensation that, together with associated ideas and their attendant emotions, constitute the full perception of the subject.

Tony's work has been shown in more than thirty galleries in six states, ranging from Mary Hunter's galleries in California to galleries in Wyoming and Texas. His paintings have been on exhibition in the Dominican Republic and in Buenos Aires, Argentina.




Jankowski Studio
959 Woodstock Lane
Pierpont Bay
Ventura, California 93001
(805) 648-4872







Site design by Jon Lambert